All that is just to introduce the fascination that Tolkien's worldbuilding had for me. Just what is it about this text that is so compelling? Perhaps it is the resonance that I feel from the author himself -- in the Foreward to LOTR, Tolkien states that the primary reason for diving into the fantasy world of Middle-Earth was to provide backstory to the languages he had created:
". . . I wished to complete and set in order the mythology and legends of the Elder Days, which had then been taking shape for some years. I desidered to do this for my own satisfaction, and I had little hope that other people would be interested in this work, especially since it was primarily linguistic in inspiration and was begun in order to provide the necessary background of 'history' for Elvish tongues."
This statement does not ring entirely true to me, because if that was the case, Tolkien would have written The Silmarillion and left it at that. Plus, a made-up language does not "require" a backstory to be complete. Tolkien created novels, not just histories, which contain characters and plot lines that have resonated with readers for generations and spawed (almost) single-handedly an entire genre of fiction. Backstory alone could not have done that. Fortunately, Tolkien also provides a glimpse into additional motivation for turning his history into a narrative:
"The prime motive was the desire of a tale-teller to try his hand at a really long story that would hold the attention of readers, amuse them, delight them, and at times maybe excite them or deeply move them."
This seems like a particularly noble goal for any writer of fiction. You hear a lot of platitudes about writing, instructing us to "write for ourselves" and "write what we know," and lately the websites that I frequent that spotlight fiction have featured content that seems to glorify diversity in fiction as if that diversification should be the goal of writing in and unto itself. Tolkien's statement here seems to pare that down. I'm sure this desire to delight and captivate comes from his experiences with The Hobbit; by all accounts, that text spawned from bedtime stories he told his children. He would have had first-hand experience of how a powerful tale could enrich the lives of others. (As an aside, if anyone has not read Tolkien's The Father Christmas Letters, it's lovely and has beautiful artwork and is another example of what a good dad Tolkien was).
In any case, on to LOTR. The novel certainly managed to "amuse" and "delight" me in the past, and I'm eager to see if it manages to do so again. Nobody else wanted to begin with the preface, but I thought I'd do a brief highlight: it's broken into four parts, highlighting the history, culture, and politics of hobbits, as well as providing a brief recap of how Bilbo found the Ring in the goblin tunnels in The Hobbit. My first thought was that this material would be better suited to the appendicies, but I think Tolkien felt that a new reader would want to delve a little deeper into Hobbit-lore to become grounded prior to reading the first chapter. However, what I found after reading "A Long-Expected Party" was that the first chapter does a much better job of conveying this same information (in brief, that hobbits are stubborn, that they like food, are interested in geneology, have deep family ties, etc.) in just a few pages of quick-moving exposition and dialogue than the preface did in thirty pages. If Tolkien wanted to expand on what is already conveyed by Gaffer Gamgee and all of the gossip about Bilbo and Frodo in the first few pages of the book, I think it would have been better left to the appendicies after all. Some of the preface also makes me wonder when exactly it was written -- it links The Silmarillion to the text by implying that the Elvish history we have comes from Bilbo's "Translations from the Elvish," and sort of contains "spoilers" for LOTR by linking Merry to Rohan and Pippin to Gondor. As I said, probably better left to the end of the books.
There was, however, one section of the preface that was necessary for the earliest readers of LOTR. I refer of course to the "great ret-con." In the first edition of The Hobbit, Tolkien wrote the story of how Biblo came to find the Ring quite differently: Bilbo won it fair and square from Gollum as a prize in the riddle-game. When he realized that the Ring was going to be the driving force of LOTR, Gollum voluntarily parting with the Ring didn't make much sense, so it needed to be changed. The preface explains that this version of events was Bilbo's "made-up" story that he told the dwarves after they discovered he had a magic ring, and the "true version" was included in subsequent printings of The Hobbit (comparisons of the text of the two chapters can be found at this site). Readers of LOTR coming from the first editions of The Hobbit would have been out to sea without this explanation.
Now on to the first chapter. What struck me immediately this time around is how little we see of Frodo and Bilbo from the beginning. My memory of the books is unfortunately quite colored by the Peter Jackson adaptations, as I don't think I've read LOTR since they came out (despite having read it countless times prior). But here, while Bilbo and Frodo are the topics of conversation, everything is conveyed to the reader through the eyes of other hobbits, especially Sam's dad, Gaffer Gamgee. It certainly keeps the reader at arms-length, wondering what Bilbo is up to. Even his first conversation with Gandalf is kept short and cryptic, with Bilbo hinting at needing a "vacation" and planning some sort of "surprise" at the party.
All in all, "A Long-Expected Party" feels like The Hobbit-redux. Yes, there are some hints at sinister goings-on with the Ring, and Gandalf is appropriately mysterious and not-quite-at-home in the Shire, but overall this chapter takes a light tone and highlights the foibles of hobbits. I can only assume this beginning tone is meant to ease readers, accustomed to The Hobbit's tone and style, to the new narrative before tossing them in the deep end. Essentially, at the end of the chapter, the characters we encounter (with the exception of Gandalf) are no longer focused on. This "passing of the torch" is even paralleled in the conversations had in the two inns: in "Shadow of the Past," we get Sam Gamgee holding court instead of the Gaffer, and Ted Sandyman instead of his dad the old miller. Out with the old; in with the new, I suppose.
The stuff dealing with the hobbits it quite funny, really, but bitingly satirical. The hobbits, by and large, come across as gossipy, snoopy, impatient, shallow, and even downright criminal: they try to steal all of Frodo's stuff and knock holes in his walls at the end of the chapter. Bilbo doesn't come off much better in this respect, with his nasty little gifts to his relatives (the wastepaper basket for his aunt who was fond of writing letters came across as especially cruel to me). Far from an idyllic land, the Shire doesn't come across as that nice a place in this chapter. It really only begins to shine when Frodo gets out into the countryside in subsequent chapters. In a way, these nasty hobbits are a preview of how rotten the Shire will become by the end of LOTR. The seeds were always there; it just takes Saruman to stir things up a little bit.
A few notes about characters. Merry Brandybuck is introduced here, as Frodo's friend and social equal. He gets a good joke in, but that's about it. The most interesting introduction is Frodo. While others talk about him, he is not characterized by the narrator until after Bilbo's disappearance, and our first close look at him deals with his sadness about Bilbo's departure. I think this helps readers familiar with The Hobbit relate to Frodo; we realize that this story won't be about Biblo, but we can't help feeling sad at his departure. Frodo's soberness might also serve to highlight the fact that this will end up being a very different book than The Hobbit. Contrast Frodo's intro with Bilbo's light-hearted one in "An Unexpected Party" of The Hobbit as he chats with Gandalf while blowing smoke-rings.
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Frodo in 1978 |
In response to Bender's comment about Elijah Wood: I never really wrapped my head around Wood as Frodo Baggins. He was always Elijah Wood playing a hobbit. For one thing, he was too young -- Frodo in the book is in his fifties, the same age as Bilbo was when he first left home. They should have gotten a slightly older actor, I think. My mental image of Frodo, however, is colored by another movie: the animated Ralph Bakshi version released in 1978. My grandmother who lived in west Texas had a copy of this film on VHS, and everytime we would go out there, all I would want to do was watch it over and over again. Sometimes it would end and I would immediately rewind it and start it again at the beginning. So I always picture Frodo with reddish hair and a round face, instead of with dark hair and Wood's freakish blue eyes.
All in all, "Long-Expected Party" was a fun read. It went by at a quick pace and never left me flipping pages to see how much more there was. Frodo remains a bit of a chiper, beyond his sadness at losing Bilbo and his exasperation at his "guests" the morning after the party. Other than that, the chapter has hopefully done its work to rid the text of "Hobbit nostalgia" so things can move forward from here.
I realized that maybe I should've spent a little more time situating LOTR in my development, too. Unlike you Ben, I didn't read them till I was 10...then not again till I was 18, in prep for the aforementioned Peter Jackson films. At that time, I thought it'd been an unconscionable long time since I'd last read them...and now even MORE time has passed since I read them since between the first readings! The copies I read both times then and am re-reading now are actually the paper-back editions that my parents bought for each other for their first Wedding anniversary--that is, they predate me. So even though I came to Tolkien much later than you in my childhood development, they are one of the very few artifacts I possess that have remained consistent throughout all the upheavel and moves and changes of my life.